Thursday, June 9, 2016

30 day challenge: Day 8 (Late)

Biggest pet peeve

I’d have to say my biggest pet peeve has to do at work. I work at a call center and spend most of my time on the phones talking to members and helping them with website and app issues. You tend to run into some situations that can be frustrating. Most I don’t mind because you understand where they come from. Having trouble walking that person though web steps? Hey some people just aren’t computer savvy. Angry member? They are just frustrated at the situation, I hate having to call into customer support myself. The only thing that really drives me absolutely nuts is when they constantly cut me off as I am talking to them, which actually happens quite a bit. Once or twice I don’t mind but if it gets to the point that I can’t even finish one sentence it starts to get under my skin. Back of my mind I am remembering that they are just trying to get this done as quickly as possible so they can get back to their lives but come on people this is just good manners! First thing we learn in grade school is take turns. When that happens I will usually say in my sweetest/professional voice “Oh I am so sorry I didn’t meant to cut you off there.” Passive aggressive I know, but it makes me feel a bit better and gives my coworkers a laugh. Plus considering the last place I worked, that this is one of the worst things I encounter is a small annoyance that I’m willing to put up with.

30 Day Jewelry Challenge : Day 8
Type: Earring
Material: Gear/Clockwork
Color: Green

Shop piece of the Day: 

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